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Release Notes | Reality Cloud Studio

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What’s New

This is a weekly release including a new EID-based Subscription activation process.

EID-based Subscription Activation Process

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From October 16, 2024 onward, users will use an Entitlement ID (EID) delivered within a PDF via email to activate their Reality Cloud Studio subscription inside their HxDR account.

Users may now create an account at or at any time and add their subscription after initial account set up.

Please refer to the guide for step-by-step instructions on how to create and account and activate a subscription.

Users will now be presented with a real-time dashboard after activation which puts information like their EID and renewal date front and center alongside an easy to understand utilization breakdown.


Any users who have been delivered multiple EIDs along with multiple sensors, please to combine those EIDs into a single service.

All Reality Cloud Studios begin at the time of creation, not at the time of activation.

 Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug that caused deleted users to be shown an ambiguous error rather than informing them that they system is in accessible due to their user being deleted.

  • Fixed a bug that caused processing icons to obscure asset name text.

  • Fixed a bug within the CloudWorx asset navigator that resulted in assets being searched for to open in the browser rather than stream to CloudWorx as expected.

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