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Project | Preferences…

Command Line


  • MicroStation: CloudWorx Preference

This command opens the Preferences dialog, which is used to edit a range of CloudWorx settings.

Note: The tabs in the Preferences dialog may vary depending on the chosen CAD system.

Using the Tool

Typical Preferences Settings

After executing the command, the Preferences dialog opens.

Note: Pick/Visible does not work on connected RCP point clouds.

Preferences Settings in CloudWorx for Bentley

In CloudWorx for Bentley, the Preferences dialog includes the following tabs:

  • Cloud Display:

    • Point Thickness: Enter a value for the width in pixels of each point in a point cloud display.

    • Interference Point Thickness: Enter a value for the width in pixels of each point in an interference check display.

    • Interference Point Color: Click the Change button to select the colour used to display points in an interference check.

  • Pick/Visible:

    • Hide All Point Clouds: Select to toggle OFF the visibility of all point clouds.

    • Can Select Point Cloud: Select to toggle ON the ability to select point clouds.

    • Can Snap To Point Cloud (Tentative Picking): Select to toggle on the ability to tentatively pick point clouds.

  • Fitting:

    • Fit to Pipe:

      • Create Surface: Select to insert an extruded circle when fitting a pipe.

      • Create Centerline: Select to insert a centerline when fitting a pipe.

      • Create Annotations: Select to displays an annotation of the pipe's diameter on the centerline when fitting a pipe.

    • Fit To Patch:

      • Result Patch: Select Convex Hull or Mini Rectangle.

    • Maximum RMS Error: Enter a value for fit quality for point cloud fitting. If the fit does not meet this number, the fit is rejected.

  • Cloud Regen and Load Limit: See the Regenerate Points page for details.

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