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TV User Interface

TruView controls are designed to be intuitive and touch responsive with buttons large enough to be used on a tablet.

Primary Toolset

The primary tools are located on the left-hand side of the application. The navigation tools are located in the top left hand corner of the main viewing window.


TruView includes a collection of Panels on the right-hand side of the application which include different information and functions of the program. These include:

Project Info






Setups and Tracks

Viewer Settings

Viewer settings, help and the connection manager are located in the top right-hand side of the main viewing window. Available settings include:

Setup Radius

Background Color

Measurement Annotation Style

Distance Units

Temperature Units

Show Pano Images

Allow Software Improvement Program

Surface Indicators

Floating Toolbar

Floating toolbars will display when editing models, limit boxes and measurements.

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