Point Cloud Measurement
Tools | Point Cloud Measurement
Command Line
MicroStation: CloudWorx Measure
Using the Tool
To get point information, follow the steps below:
In the Tools panel, click Point Cloud Measurement.
The Point Cloud Measurement dialog appears.

From the Measure On list, select the coordinate system on which you want to measure.
Selecting Default relies on MicroStation settings. If the ACS plane lock is active, the measurement is based on the XY plane of the active ACS. Otherwise it is a 3D measurement in the ACS.
Selecting None disregards the ACS plane lock and makes a 3D measurement on the active ACS.
Selecting the X, Y, or Z axis restricts the measurement to the corresponding axis of the active ACS.
Selecting the XY, YZ, or ZX plane restricts the measurement to the corresponding plane of the active ACS.
Pick a point. The From field displays data for the picked point.
Pick a second point. The To field displays data for the second picked point and measurement data is displayed in the remaining fields.
Continue picking points. Each time a new point is picked, the data is displayed in the To field, and the point previously displayed in the To field is moved up to the From field. Also, the distance is added to the previous sum in the Accum Dist. (accumulated distance) field.
To reset all measurement fields, right-click in the window.
Note: Measurement and dimension tools available in MicroStation can also be used to measure distances between cloud points.