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Help | TruSpace Explorer

TruSpace Ribbon Toolset: An overview of the tools available on the TruSpace panel in CloudWorx

Getting Started: An introduction to the TruSpace interface

Settings: Configuring the TruSpace settings

Navigating 3D Data: An introduction to the navigation tools and behavior

Maps: Information about the SiteMap and MiniMap

User Coordinate Systems: Information about saved UCSs originating from upstream products

Clips: Information about Saved Clips originating from upstream products and creating Clip Boxes in TruSpace

Measurements: An overview of measurements

Panels: An overview of available options and information available in the panels

Working with 3D Models: Information about adding, aligning, and saving models to projects

TruSpace Workflows: Descriptions of typical workflows when working with point cloud data in TruSpace




* EpcATM - Embedded point cloud Application

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