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CW TruSpace GeoTag Assets


Click the Choose Asset button image-20240709-090630.png to change the asset associated with a GeoTag. This will open the asset browse dialog. The dialog will allow the user to choose from a list of assets that were published with the project, browse to an asset on disk, or set a URL.  

If the user selects an asset and types in a URL, the asset will take precedence.

Note: When connected to Cyclone ENTERPRISE, GeoTags will automatically be saved to the respective project. For those utilizing an LGS/LGSx, saving the file is necessary to ensure that changes are retained.

Click the Remove Asset button image-20240709-091640.png to remove the asset associated with the GeoTag.

Click the Go to Link Target button image-20240709-091712.png to open the asset in the default application. If it is a hyperlink, it will open the link in a default web browser.  

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