TV Leica TruView Introduction

Leica TruView is Leica Geosystems' free viewer that allows for quick and easy viewing of point cloud data from Cyclone ENTERPRISE, JetStream Enterprise or LGS (stand-alone solution) for those seeking a lightweight point cloud and model viewing tool.
Leica TruView offers:
Ultra-high-speed rendering of your point cloud data to instantly open and display an unlimited number of points all the time as you navigate your data set.
Optional Cyclone ENTERPRISE, JetStream Enterprise, and LGS and LGSx data sources.
Connected, disconnected or portable versions provide you total flexibility in accessing and sharing digital reality data.
Portable version is the perfect way to leave behind an impressive product with a client or prospective customer.
No license is occupied during use, so your CAD specialists can continue their work uninterrupted.
Intuitive navigation controls allow inexperienced users to experience point cloud data without training.
Measurement and visualization tools allow you to conduct simple project management tasks or create marketing materials such as fly-through animations.
Saved limit boxes and user coordinate systems.
Support for BLK360 native HDR imagery via simple slider function.
Full support for Layers, Tags and Assets published from Cyclone or created in Cyclone REGISTER 360, CloudWorx etc.
Support for IFC, OBJ and COE models