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Release Notes | TruView


TruView 2022.1.0 Release Notes

TruView 2022.0.1 Release Notes

TruView 2023.1

What’s New

This is a major release which includes support for a new data architecture structure and new measuring tools/enahncements amongst other new features and improvements.

LGSx support

For this release a new data architecture has been implemented at the very core of our Reality Capture software products and our popular file format, the LGS file. The update provides a next-generation solution for our Leica Reality Capture data and includes faster writing (publishing), higher compression, and new core architecture that will allow us to build out new capabilities and features to meet your growing needs, like file versioning (i.e., track changes to GeoTags, markups, etc.), in the future.

As part of the new data architecture there is a change to the LGS format. The new format, called LGSx, will contain the new data architecture and will not be compatible with versions of Reality Capture software older than 2023.1.0 (this release).

The next part of the description varies widely depending on the product, but the core decision is to refer to HSPC as the “new data architecture”.

 A full list of LGS\LGSx compatibility is shown below:



Export/Save As

TV desktop  2022.1 and older



TV desktop  2023.1 and newer



Cyclone ENTERPRISE 2022.1 and older



Cyclone ENTERPRISE 2023.1 and newer

LGS/LGSx (LGS gets converted to LGSx on import)


TVE/TVC 2022.1.0 and older



TVE/TVC 2023.1.1 and newer

LGS/LGSx (LGS gets converted to LGSx on import)


CyCore 2023.1



CyCore 2023.0.2



Reg360 2023.1



Reg360 2023.0.2



Reality Cloud Studio

LGS (LGSx date TBD)

LGSx (date TBD)

CloudWorx 2023.1 and newer



CloudWorx 2023.0 and older



Pipe Snapping

The distance measuring tool has two snapping options that allows for snapping to a pipe centerline or the edge of a pipe. These snapping options can be toggled on or off at any time while measuring. These tools will automatically snap to the pipe centerline or edge while measuring. If the tool is unable to detect a pipe it will display an error message.

 Pipe Centerline

This tool will automtically detect the centerline of the pipe and snap to it. The tool will snap to the closest edge of the pipe to the other end point of the measurement. The snapped point will adjust after the the secound mouse click.

 Pipe Edge

This tool will automtically detect the edge of the pipe and snap to it.

Snap to GeoTags

While using the measuring tools, hovering over a GeoTag will snap to its exact location. GeoTags will display with a halo effect while hovering over it. Clicking on the GoeTag while hovering over it will snap the pick point to the location of the GeoTag. This feature is automatically turned on while using measuring tools. To pick a point behind a GeoTag, turn off GeoTags in the visibility panel.

Measure Pipe Diameter

Measures the diameter of the selected pipe. The tool is located in the menu with the other measuring tools. Once the tool is selected, left click on a pipe in the point cloud. The tool will output a diameter in the unit of measurement defined in the TruView settings. If the tool is unable to detect a pipe it will output an error message.

Color GeoTags by Category

GeoTags can be rendered by category by selecting the Color GeoTag by Category button.

The Color Geotag by Color dialog contains two options for rendering GeoTags. By default the Color by Category option is turned off. This disables the Category table control. The GeoTag Color control at the bottom of the dialog will be active. This control can be used to render all GeoTags as the same color. Click on the color control to open the color picker and choose a color.

Truning on the Color by Category option will activate the category table control. This will display each GeoTag category in a list with a color picker for each category. GeoTag categories can be added to individual GeoTags by opening the GeoTag properties for each GeoTag in the GeoTag panel and adding a value to the Category field.

GeoTags that do not have a category associated with them will be labelled as <No Category> in the GeoTag symbology dialog.

Touch Friendly Clip box Creation Tools

The Clip Box creation tools have been modified so that they can be used on touch screen devices. They can be invoked the same way as in previous versions. The old controls can still be used if you prefer using them.

Once a Clip Box is created, several controls will open that can be used to manipulate the clip box with a mouse or on a touch screen.

1. Primary toolbar
  • Accept Clip Box - When you are finished editing the Clip Box, click on the Accept Clip Box button in the floating toolbar to add it to the list of saved Clips

  • Adjust X Axis - Set the active editing axis to the X axis

  • Adjust Y Axis - Set the active editing axis to the Y axis

  • Adjust Z Axis - Set the active editing axis to the Z axis

  • Clear Clip Box - Delete the the Clip Box that is being edited and close the editing session

2. Clip Box adjustment

The Clip Box adjustment control on the right-hand side of the viewing window can be used to adjust the extents and location of Clip Box along the selected axis. The buttons on the top and bottom of the slider control can be used to adjust the edges of the Clip Box. The button in the middle of the slider control can be used to adjust the location of the Clip Box. Optionally, you can manually type values into the text boxes next to each of these controls. The values should be in the same unit as the coordinate system being used.

3. Clip Box Rotation

The Clip Box rotation control at the top of the viewing window can be used to rotate the Clip Box along the selected axis. Moving the control to the left will rotate the Clip Box counter clockwise. Moving the control to the right will rotate the Clip Box clockwise. Optionally, you can manually type a value into the text box next to the rotation controls. The value should be between 0 and 360 degrees.

Smart Align

The Smart Align tool tool automaticallty aligns models to a point cloud. In order for this to work you will need to manually adjust the model so that it is relatively close to the location in the point cloud that you are aligning it to. Once it is close you can select the Smart Align tool and it will automtically align the model to the point cloud.

Smart Align Tool usage:

  1. Open the project that contains the point cloud that you would like to align the model to

  2. Select the appropriate UCS if applicable

  3. Add a model to the project

  4. Align the model to the point cloud using the manual alignment tools

  1. Select the Smart Align tool

  1. Once the tool completes a dialog that displays the transformation information will open

This tool will work in most cases, but may not be perfect when using complex models.

4k Display Support

All dialogs and panels have be adjusted to support 4k displays. In previous versions there were several dialogs and toolbars that do not display properly or were not legible when setting monitors to 4k resolution.

Verification Reports

Access verification reports created in REGISTER360 as a PDF. This report contains a history of edits that were made to the project. If it was not include while publishing the project the button will be disabled. Click on the button to open the verification report PDF.

Shaded Surface Lighting

Transform point clouds into shaded surfaces that respond to lighting and camera perspective. Access and toggle the feature using the “Shaded” icon in the Visibility panel. Apply the feature to all point cloud coloring modes. By default it is applied to the Classification and Elevation renderers but it can be turned off manually if desired.

Pano Navigation Mode

This setting can be used to switch between navigation modes while exploring pano images.

Swipe: A mouse friendly navigation experience. Moving the mouse right or left will pan in the same direction respectively.

Drag: A touch screen friendly navigation experience. Move your finger to the right will pan left. Moving your finger to the left will pan right.

This has been added to both TruView and TruView LIVE.

Workflow Licence Requirements

All Workflow license checks when using models or TruView VR have been removed. This only applies to LGSx files. The license check will continue to occur for LGS files.


  • Error when recording video. After recording a video usingthe native TruVidew video recording tool. Some users were getting the following error: "Error recording video. Image buffer has been filled".

  • Importing a certain COE into TruView causes a silent crash

  • Measurement picking is slightly off. The selected measurement does not snap to the closest point

  • It is taking 10 mins to open a large (7000-setup) LGS file containing point cloud

  • TruView is hanging when naviagting to panos with some Mobile Mapping datasets

Leica TruView Compatibility and Upgrades

Compatibility with TruView 2023.1 and JetStream Enterprise server

TruView 2023.0.1 requires JetStream Enterprise 1.6 and newer for connected mode to access all JetStream-compatible features. TruView 2023.1 is compatible JetStream Enterprise 1.3 and newer, however non-synchronous versions will result in a limited toolset.

Model Compatibility

TruView 2023.1 supports models in LGS files and Cyclone ENTERPRISE projects. LGS files and Cyclone ENTERPRISE projects must be published from Cyclone 2020.1 or later, Cyclone REGISTER 360 (including BLK Edition) 2020.1 or later or JetStream Enterprise 2020.1 or later (for LGS files only) and published with a Cyclone WORKFLOW license (for JetStream Enterprise projects published out as an LGS for model support, this means the project must have been originally published with a Cyclone WORKFLOW license).

VR Compatibility

TruView 2023.1 supports TruView VR for LGS files and Cyclone ENTERPRISE projects. LGS files and Cyclone ENTERPRISE projects must be published from Cyclone 2020.1 or later, Cyclone REGISTER 360 (including BLK Edition) 2020.1 or later or JetStream Enterprise 2020.1 or later (for LGS files only) and published with a Cyclone WORKFLOW license (for JetStream Enterprise projects published out as an LGS for TruView VR, this means the project must have been originally published with a Cyclone WORKFLOW license).

Disconnected Mode

TruView 2023.1 can be installed and used without connecting to a JetStream Enterprise or Cyclone ENTERPRISE server. The free, stand-alone Viewer can open/read JetStream Viewer (JSV) files as well as LGS files. LGS files are exported from the JetStream Enterprise admin utility, Cyclone ENTERPRISE or from the Cyclone REGISTER family.

The disconnected mode, when viewing JSV files, does not support access to saved User Coordinate Systems (UCS) nor saved limit boxes, slices, and clips. This project information is stored in and managed by JetStream Enterprise, Cyclone ENTERPRISE or available in an LGS file.

Portable Mode

TruView 2023.1 Portable is a free, no-install version of the Viewer that can be packaged on a thumb drive and run from any PC, no network or Wi-Fi access required. Leverage most of TruView’s capabilities (all the same capabilities as the Disconnected Mode) in a go-anywhere package that can be navigated by even the most inexperienced point cloud user. Perfect for sharing data with organizations with IT hurdles for new software or as a marketing tool for prospective customers. The free viewer can read LGS files written from Cyclone, the Cyclone REGISTER 360 family, JetStream Enterprise or Cyclone ENTERPRISE projects.

TruView Portable does not support TruView VR.

Deprecated Features

Leica Geosystems strives to provide support for the widest array of operating systems and file formats possible as is reasonable given current technologies and support from third-party partners.
With each release, we review our list of currently supported formats and operating systems in line with industry trends and announced product terminations.

Leica Geosystems may add or terminate support for a file format during any release. Obsolete operating systems will be supported for six months after their announced termination or the next major software release, whichever comes first. Server products will be supported in alignment with Leica’s Client License Manager (CLM) supported servers to guard users against incompatibility.

TruView 2021:

  • Windows 7 is no longer supported.

TruView 2022:

  • TruView can no longer be installed in Windows 7, 8 or 8.1.

TruView 2022.0.1:

  • CLM versions prior to 2.5 are no longer supported.

Known Issues

Model rotation rings clipped by clip boxes

When rotating a model, the rotation rings will obey an active clip thus being cut off when a temporary Clip Box or upstream Clip is active.

Model resizing

A previously scaled model may return to its original (as imported) scale upon being moved with the Align to Point function.

Mobile Mapping data with varying frame distances

Mobile Mapping datasets published with varying frame distances will cause issues with the pano visibility settings. If you click on a point along the trajectory where there is no pano the pano visbiltiy setting will remain off while navigating along the trajectory. If you navigate to another point where a pano exists the visbility toggle will remain off even though there is a pano at that location.

Workaround: Open the visibility panel and toggle the pano visibiltiy setting to “On” while in Track Navigation mode.

GeoTag UCS issue

When changing a UCS and placing a GeoTag. The GeoTag placement will occur based on the original UCS.

Workaround: Place GeoTags while in the degault UCS.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.