2022.0.1- Help | Cyclone REGISTER 360

The Cyclone REGISTER 360 Help documentation is applicable to both Cyclone REGISTER 360 and Cyclone REGISTER 360 (BLK Edition).
Computer Specifications: Minimum and recommended specifications for running Cyclone REGISTER 360.
Licensing: Licensing information on Cyclone REGISTER 360
General Info: General information on Cyclone REGISTER 360 including Application Settings.
Import: A description of the first step of the registration process, the importing of data.
Review and Optimize: A description of the second step of the registration process, the sorting and analysis of data.
Finalize: A description of the third step of the registration process, reviewing the project before creating a report on it.
Report/Publish: A description of the fourth and final step of the registration process, exporting the registered data and publishing a report on it.
Glossary: An alphabetized dictionary of all the terms used in Cyclone REGISTER 360
Command Index: An index of all the commands in Cyclone REGISTER 360, arranged alphabetically and grouped by their step of the registration process.
Hotkeys: A list of all combinations of keys providing quick access to particular functions within Cyclone REGISTER 360.
Legal: Legal information on Cyclone REGISTER 360
Support: Additional support with Cyclone REGISTER 360.