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Setup Virtual Machine

  1. Enter the virtual machine name, e.g., vmcyent1.

  2. Select the Region where you want to deploy the VM.

Note: The selected region must support NVv3-series VMs.

Note: NV-series VMs are only available in select region. For availability of NV-series VMs, see .

Note: Cyclone ENTERPRISE has been tested on NVv3-series virtual machines powered by Intel Xeon E5-2690 v3 and NVIDIA Tesla M60 GPU.

  1. Choose No infrastructure redundancy required in the Availability options.

  2. Select Windows Server 2019 Datacenter – Gen1

  3. Uncheck Azure Spot instance.

  4. In the Size dropdown box, select Standard_NV12s_v3 – 12 vcpus, 112 GiB memory (your estimated monthly cost).

Note: If you don’t see this option, click “See all sizes” and search for NV in the table. You may need to request cores quota to be able to select a GPU VM type.

Note: By default, an Azure subscription doesn’t have enough cores quota to launch any GPU-powered VMs. You will need to increase the cores quota in your A

zure subscription for NVv3 series to 12 cores. To request a quota increase, refer to the instructions at

  1. You may select a larger size (e.g., Standard_NV24s_v3). Generally, a larger size VM delivers a better visualization experience.

Note: Cyclone ENTERPRISE is NOT compatible with NVv4- and NC-series.

  1. Specify user credentials in the "Administrator account” section.

Note: You will be using these credentials to connect to your VM via RDP.

  1. Select Allow selected ports.

Note: Select RDP (3389), HTTP (80), HTTPS (443) in the Select inbound ports.

  1. Depending on your corporate IT policy, you may be able to use your existing Windows Server license. If that’s the case, check the Would you like to use an existing Windows Server license? box.

  2. Click Next: Disks >.

Next (Create New Disk)>

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