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Cyclone ENTERPRISE is stuck on "Loading..."


When trying to open or access Cyclone ENTERPRISE via the browser UI, it results in a loading page like below that never ends.

Probable Causes

  • Cyclone ENTERPRISE may have failed to connect to the CLM license server when it started up.

  • The CLM license server is not running.

  • The CLM license server is in a broken state. 


  1. Use the CLM for Floating Licenses program to verify that the license server is running, and host is ‘Fully Trusted’.

  2. Use the Cyclone ENTERPRISE Launcher to restart the Cyclone ENTERPRISE server.

  3. Open the Cyclone ENTERPRISE Launcher in the taskbar notification area by double-clicking it. Click "Stop Server", then “Start Server".


JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.