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Create Storage Config File

Create a new text file named "blockdevice.json" with the following contents: 

    "DeviceName": "/dev/sda1", 
    "Ebs": { 
      "DeleteOnTermination": false, 
      "VolumeSize": 100, 
      "VolumeType": "gp2" 
    "DeviceName": "/dev/sda2", 
    "Ebs": { 
      "DeleteOnTermination": false, 
      "VolumeSize": 300, 
      "VolumeType": "gp2" 

The above configuration creates a 100GB C drive (DeviceName: /dev/sda1) and 300GB D drive (DeviceName: /dev/sda2) for your EC2 instance. We recommend that you use the D drive as a data storage location. You can adjust the ‘`VolumeSize’`  value (in GB) for /dev/sda2 to meet your data storage requirement. 

Note: Please reference the section on Initialize Data Storage Disk in this document for details.

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