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Streaming Data from Reality Cloud Studio

This guide provides step-by-step instructions on how to connect to Reality Cloud Studio from your deliverable creation tools to stream data and conduct in-depth analysis.

Streaming from Reality Cloud Studio is currently available in Cyclone 3DR and will be added to the CloudWorx Family of plugins with the 2024.1.0 release.

Streaming is currently limited to point cloud data.

One of the most impactful features of Reality Cloud Studio is its ability to act as a cloud server for users to stream their project data into other Hexagon products. This ensures that users are only granted access to the projects for which they have been granted permissions within Reality Cloud Studio and that all users are working and collaborating on the same asset to prevent miscommunications and re-work.

  1. From the File menu, select Reality Cloud Studio.

  2. Enter your Reality Cloud Studio credentials to gain access to the projects for which you have permissions.

  3. Select the Project folder which contains the asset you want to view.

  4. The asset will open in the host application and can be used to conduct in-depth analysis such as floor flatness, deviation reporting, clash analysis, BIM progress monitoring.

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