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System Settings | Desktop/Laptop

It is recommended to configure your workstation for best performance in Reality Cloud Studio. There are some cases where Windows blocks access to the systems GPU. This may apply if:

  1. Using Windows OS

  2. Task Manager performance shows two GPU, one which is named "Intel(R) UHD ..."

Please refer to The Visualization Settings Quality topic for additional options to optimize your experience in Reality Cloud Studio.

The following is the recommended graphics setting on a Windows system:

  1. Search for Graphic settings

  1. If a web browser app is not listed, select Desktop app and then click the Browse button to search
    for your web browser app. If default install was used, the default app locations are:

    1. Chrome.exe: C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application

    2. MSEdge.exe: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\Edge\Application

    3. Firefox.exe: C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox

  2. Select the appropriate exe file and click Add.

  1. Select browser tile and click Options (e.g. MS Edge web browser)

  1. Select the High performance radio button and click Save.

  1. Restart the system to ensure the changes take effect.

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