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Reality Cloud Studio: Interpreting the Dashbaord

The Subscription Dashboard for Reality Cloud Studio offers Admin users helpful insight about the status of their subscription and information to better manage their usage and anticipate costs. The dashboard updates in real time as user’s utilize the platform and provides information about the three tracked categories--download, upload and processing.

This guide will provide information about how to interpret and use the dashboard effectively.


Dashboard Sections

The Reality Cloud Studio dashboard includes four sections.

  • Your subscription plan

  • Usage information

  • Users

  • Projects

Your subscription plan


  1. EID: The EID, or Entitlement ID, is the unique identifier of the subscription which can be used to reference the subscription record. The EID should be included with any request to increase the available data quota on a subscription, as it will allow the operations team to quickly locate the appropriate subscription to add data to.

  2. Renewal Date: The renewal date is the date on which the subscription will renew. Renewals will be processed automatically on that date and the account owner delivered an invoice. When a subscription renews, only the original data quota on the subscription will renew. For example, if the original subscription included 1TB and a 500GB add-on was added during the course of the year, the 1TB subscription would be the amount renewed.

  3. Subscription Quota: The Subscription quota displays the total amount of data available on the subscription within the current period. This quota will reflect the original subscription amount plus any add-ons ordered during the year.

  4. Total utilization: The utilization bar reflects how much of the subscription quota has been consumed. This graphical and numerical representation makes it simple to track how much of the available data remains to better anticipate the need for additional data.

Usage Information

  1. Utilization ring: The utilization ring displays the ratio of data consumed across the three tracked categories--download, upload and processing. The total utilization in this ring will always match the utilization displayed in the subscription plan section. This graphical view can help Admins keep track of how their teams are using the platform and make informed decisions about how to most effectively use the company’s resources. You can learn more about data consumption here: Reality Cloud Studio: Usage-based Account Information.

  2. Utilization details: The utilization details provide precise figures for consumption across the three tracked categories--download, upload and processing.



The Users section provides a helpful preview of the relevant user statistics for the account such as the total number of users and the number of external users. It also provides a shortcut to the user administration section and the user invitation widget.



The Projects section provides a helpful preview of the projects within the account and shortcut to the project list.

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