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Background Settings

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Sets asset environment to dark ground and contrasting sky colors.


Sets asset environment to bright ground and contrasting sky colors.


Sets asset environment to realistic looking sky with clouds.


Sets asset environment to dark ground with no contrasting sky color. You can select a color to apply to the environment.


Grid Enabled - Select to enable/diimage-20240430-195429.png sable gridlines for the viewport.

Grid color - Select the color to apply to the gridlines.

Background blur

Disabled - Turns off background blurring

Auto - Turns on background blurring allowing to adjust the blurring strength and focus range distance of objects to blur.

Manual - Turns on background blurring allowing to adjust the settings

  • Strength- Adjusts how heavily blurred the background is

  • Distance- Adjusts the distance from the viewer at which objects are in focus. Increasing the distance will cause objects further from the viewer to be in focus while those close to the viewer to be out of focus.

  • Range- adjusts the size of the area that is in focus. increasing this range will cause more of the scene to be in focus, reducing it will cause only a narrow band of space at the defined focus distance to be in focus.

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