Modifying Jobs/Bundles
Deleting Links
It is possible for the users to incidentally create bad or unwanted links in Cyclone FIELD 360.
The user can delete bad links in Cyclone FIELD 360 or Cyclone REGISTER 360 PLUS.
To delete the links in Cyclone REGISTER 360 PLUS during data import:
Select the link.
Click Delete Link once it appears after link selection.

Combining Jobs
The user may also combine multiple RTC360 jobs within a Cyclone REGISTER 360 PLUS project. To add another job to an existing project, follow the steps outlined below:
Open an existing project containing the first job.
Add the second job via drag-and-drop or browsing to the data.
Select the second bundle from the Import bar and drag the bundle on to the SiteMap.
To move a bundle, select one of the scans in the bundle with the left mouse button and drag. To rotate a bundle, select one of the scans in the bundle and hold the SHIFT key while pressing the left mouse button then drag clockwise or counterclockwise to adjust the rotation of the entire bundle.