(2023.0.2) 2023.0.1 | Cyclone REGISTER 360 Release Notes

What’s New
This minor release including general bug fixes for control and CLM among others.
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where BLK2FLY importing with images negatively effected Auto Cloud registration.
Fixed and issue where GeoTags published to TruView Cloud, from BLK Mobile data, only showed in the first Waypoint when view in TruView Cloud.
Fixed and issue where WayPoint (Setup) locations did not publish properly to TruView Cloud in the SiteMap view.
Fixed and issue where Export JPEG pano needed a Cyclone WORKFLOW license. Now a Cyclone WORKFLOW license is not need to export JPEG panos. It is required to publish EXR panos.
Fixed and issue where using the command Re-Apply Control caused issues with the Control to Bundle target errors. If the issue is seen the fix is applied after Applied Control is deleted and then re-applied.
CLM issue with compatibility bug fix:
Fixed an issue where incompatible CLM servers prevented REGISTER 360 PLUS from acquiring a license when other software using Flexera licensing was present on the system. If this error dialog comes up during program start a flag will need to be added to a shortcut to the REGISTER360.exe:

Create or modify an existing shortcut.
Add the following flag to the shortcut: “ -AllowIncompatibleFlexera”
***There is a space in front of the text***
Start REGISTER 360 from the short cut
Known Issues
LGS files from Pegasus OFFICE are not supported.
Pegasus OFFICE was updated along with TruView and CloudWorx products to support the special LGS file that is produced by Pegasus OFFICE. The LGS file includes a trajectory, new image WayPoints positions, and image set rendering. These objects are not supported yet in Cyclone REGISTER 360 PLUS or Cyclone CORE. Cyclone CORE can import just the point cloud, but the depth maps, special images, trajectory, and new icons are not included.
Faro no longer shares the required SDK to support import of Faro raw scanner files from the newest Faro Scanners.
The workaround is to import into Faro Scene and export a FLS or E57 file.
Classification Known Issues
In some cases, the Classified Point Clouds seem to disappear when switching between SiteMap and Bundle Cloud View or Setup View. Selecting Show/Hide Setups twice can refresh the screen and they will be visible.
Auto-Classification runs one Setup at a time. In case a very large point cloud is detected, this warning will occur.

New BLK360 Known Issues
When downloading scans from the BLK360, progress is being made even though the dialog says 1% for much of the download.
When the BLK360 battery is low, download is not supported. The download button will not be clickable though no warning message is given.
When the BLK360 battery level is low, the charge percentage number is not shown.
When a download from the BLK Data Manager is canceled, there is an intermittent error that causes the program to hang. The workaround is to restart both the scanner and BLK Data Manager and reconnect.
If a download is unsuccessful, a user might receive a message stating “Downloaded 0 setup(s).” if you receive this message, please re-download those scans.
BLK360 scans will appear chronologically in the Download Manager while BLK2GO walks will appear in alphanumeric order.
The temp folder may not contain non-ASCII characters.
If there is a synchronization issue between the tablet and the scanner (which may be caused by a poor or interfering Wi-Fi connection) items created on the tablet using FIELD 360 such as links, images, and geotags may not be synced back to the scanner. The workaround here is to download the data from the tablet using FIELD 360 rather than directly from the scanner.
In rare cases when importing using Auto Cloud, REGISTER 360 may hang. The data is imported correctly with links created, the workaround is to close REGISTER 360 and open it again.
When in a setup view and the Panoramic images are turned off, occasionally the position of the camera changes and is inverted. Going back to SiteMap View and then into the setup again will fix the issue.
When a download from a BLK2GO scanner is canceled the user will not be informed.
Virtual target snaps below were clicked and the exported data has different coordinates to those in Cyclone REGISTER 360. The Workaround is to lock the bundle before applying control.
If a control file has a leading space (a space as the first character) then that line is ignored. The workaround is to manually delete the first line.
Export Panoramic images with the location coordinates and orientation in the user coordinate system i.e. in the control coordinate system.
When we import BLK2FLY GPS data with 'Wall Aligned UCS' option, it ignores the UTM/State Plane coordinate UCS. The workaround is to not use Wall Aligned with UTM.
Save B2G file(s) function during import from BLK2GO scanner is broken. The workaround is to use the DM.
Re-import image command fails when trying to import image(s) from a BLK360 scanner with a cable connection i.e. via LAN
After importing from a BLK scanner (BLK360, BLK2GO or BLK2FLY) if there were setups that were not selected for import, there is a dialog box that states “failed to import” on the un-selected setups. The expected behaviour is that these setups should not be mentioned.
Scans that have more than one point cloud in a Setup are not properly displayed. This can be the case when a C10 has a full 360 scan and a highly detailed window scan. The scans still exist and can be exported.
If Faro scans fail to import, please contact Leica support. The scans collected from the newest Faro scanner may not import. Please contact Leica support for the newest Faro SDK. It may be the case that new software from Faro needs to be downloaded and installed separately.
After the recommended firmware update for BLK2GO, in some cases, setups are unable to be imported over wi-fi. The workaround is to import via USB-C cable.
Cyclone In some cases, when publishing to TruView Cloud setups do not appear in the SiteMap. The workaround here is to publish to LGS and import the file into TruView Cloud.
In rare cases, exports to LGS and RCP show different elevations on point cloud points than in Cyclone REGISTER 360.
Windows scaling works best when set to 100%. Setting to 150% or higher causes some graphical errors.
Some dialog boxes cannot be rescaled correctly and OK button is not shown in the dialog box.
Some panels have a dialog that does not fit correctly.
Setup icons are in some cases misplaced when data is published to TruView Cloud. The workaround is to set Windows Scaling to 100% as there seems to be an issue when set to 150%.
Scaling of 175% and 200% collapses the left side panel and cannot resize after collapse.
Some new dialogs will not have translations.
Some customers have reported Cyclone REGISTER 360 crashes when using AMD Ryzen 7 processors.
In rare cases downloading scans from a BLK360 may fail. The workaround is to restart the BLK360 scanner.
After downloading Setups from the scanner this dialog will show if the number of Setups selected is less than the total Setups on the scanner. This dialog, while correct, should be ignored.

Inserting Virtual Targets with BLK2GO data can have issues if the Pano is on. The workaround is to turn off the pano image and then create a virtual target.
Cyclone REGISTER 360 Projects located on NAS drives are NOT recommended.
Due to variations between network deployments Cyclone REGISTER 360 projects may be unreliable or slow to respond when accessed from a network location.
Cyclone REGISTER 360 Projects located on NAS drives show <1MB in the Projects & Storage tab.
RCP publish will fail if the Setup published has zero points. The workaround is to restore the points for the Setup and publish again.
The cloud used for Cloud-to-Cloud registration cannot be cleaned by the Smooth Surface feature. Therefore, the options for which cloud to clean are not available.
There is an issue with publishing data to TruView Cloud with Applied Control for projects created in Cyclone REGISTER 360 prior to 2020.0. The Setup icons to do match the SiteMap. The solution is to create another Finalized Registration, then re-publish to TruView Cloud.
Once imported into 2021.0, B2G files are changed and are not compatible with older versions of Cyclone REGISTER 360. Please make a backup copy of the B2G file BEFORE import.
After editing an HDR tone map, other Versions created will still show the original tone map in the thumbnail but the Pano and point cloud will be correct.
The 2-billion-point limitation has been removed from publishing to RCP.
30 GB of temp space is needed for every billion points exported to a single RCP cloud.
Using Export to Separate Setups does not use the same level of temp space. Temp space is not generally a problem when exporting separate Setups.
Virtual Machine (VM) environments are not supported.
Remote Desktop is only supported if Cyclone REGISTER 360 is opened in the remote computer first. Trying to open Cyclone REGISTER 360 through a remote desktop is not supported.
Cyclone REGISTER 360 will not detect the dedicated graphics card on computers with multiple graphics cards. Users must manually set the dedicated card for use with Cyclone REGISTER 360. This is done with the Nvidia Control Panel for Nvidia graphics cards, or with the Catalyst Control Centre for ATI/AMD graphic cards
Importing data over a network can cause issues, especially on Windows 10. The workaround is to copy the scan data to a local disk.
If memory issues arise, check that the virtual memory size is set to the same size as RAM.
Automatic image matching of imported panoramic images may not always be correct.
The zoom scale bar will be captured in the image in the import area using the satellite or street map.
Project thumbnails (the image shown in the project explorer) are not preserved in the *.raf export file.
F1 contextual help will not work with Microsoft Edge browser as the default browser. The workaround is to set Chrome or Firefox as the default browser.
Files written to the temp folder at C:\Users\(user name)\AppData\Local\Temp\Register360, will be deleted after the program closes. These files will NOT be deleted if the program freezes or crashes.
In rare cases, the Bundle will show an optimized state, but there is still an unoptimized Link in the Bundle (not shown with a dotted line). Optimize the Bundle to resolve the issue or split the Bundle into smaller Bundles and look for the suspect dotted line Link, delete this Link and re-optimize.
The currently active project should not be re-named from the Projects & Storage settings. You should close the project before renaming it.
When a Setup has a UCS created from it, the UCS must first be deleted before the Setup can be deleted from the project.
On rare occasions, HDR images may appear grey with very little variation. The workaround is to open the image with the Tone Map Editor and re-save the image.
Some graphic card anomalies can be caused by power management software. Please turn off by setting the power management profile to High Performance.
Paper targets should not be placed on significantly curved surfaces. The workaround is to create a virtual target rather than using the algorithm to best fit in these cases.
In some cases, if the scanner was inverted and automatically acquired targets, applying control fails. The workaround here is to manually acquire the targets.
A published RCP that has applied control with very large coordinates shows a black map rather than the colour image. The workaround is to create another map in ReCap.
Mac OS’s running Windows Boot Camp is not officially supported
Cyclone REGISTER 360 supports Windows 10 on Windows-native devices only.
Issue with Multiple monitors using Windows Scaling higher than 100%.
If issues are encountered using Window’s scaling settings higher that 100%, set the monitor that Cyclone REGISTER 360 is using to the main display.

When publishing to Jetstream Enterprise with a large number of assets:
As of REGISTER 360 2023.0.0 Jetstream Enterprise is no longer supported.
There can be an issue when publishing to JetStream Enterprise with a large number of assets in the project. The workaround is to publish the project to LGS and then import the LGS to JetStream Enterprise.

When publish to Cyclone ENTERPRISE fails to open the proper landing page:
When publishing to Cyclone ENTERPRISE, you need to enter the Host Name and Port for the target server. The Host Name should only contain the top-level domain part of the URL. In some cases, a host name may be valid for the connection test but will not work for publishing. In this case, the connection dialog will display the Project Selector. To solve this problem, edit the Host Name to remove all text after the Top Level Domain. For example, "https://mycycloneenterprise.com/abc...-////" should be trimmed to "https://mycycloneenterprise.com"
When publishing to Cyclone ENTERPRISE fails, this error message:

could mean that:
The sever has low disk space
The network drive is disconnected
Invalid file path
Importing from Cyclone FIELD 360
Only BLK360 projects will appear when the user connects to Cyclone FIELD 360. Cyclone FIELD 360 does not store full project data for the RTC360\P-Series and should be imported directly from the scanner's USB memory stick.
Cleaned vs. Uncleaned pano layer publishing
When publishing an LGS file, the Hue and Greyscale pano layers will show the uncleaned cloud.
A workaround would be to publish to E57 and then re-import the data then publish to LGS.
BLK2GO E57 Support
Due to the unstructured nature of BLK2GO data, E57 files created from the scanner will not be supported for import into Cyclone REGISTER 360 2021.1 or earlier. Users should save original B2G files for future use.
Modified usage for Japanese OS
Japanese OS language preference is not selected by default and causes issues with some Cyclone REGISTER 360 imports.
The user can fix this by manually selecting the language within preferences.
On the Japanese OS machine, launch Control Panel
Select region(地域) and click on the accept button indicated
Check "Use Unicode UTF-8 for worldwide language support"
Non-ASCII characters
Non-ASCII characters are not allowed in the following conditions:
Import temp path
On computers with non-Latin user names, the user will not be able to create any project if the source data is stored anywhere under the user profile name. This issue will manifest itself in Japanese, Chinese, or any other language containing special non-Latin characters in the user name.
The SiteMap name cannot have non-Latin (Japanese, Chinese, etc.) characters for publishing to TruView Enterprise or TruView Cloud.
Usage file reporting issue for EnterpriseElite Customers
When using the standalone CLM installer, some EnterpriseElite users may find that the usage file (year-month.db) normally located at C:\Leica Geosystems\CLM\LogFiles does not get produced.
Please ensure your LGS.opt file (located here: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Leica Geosystems\License-Server\lgs.opt) looks like this:
DEBUGLOG +"C:\Leica Geosystems\CLM\LogFiles\lgs.log"
PATH_DB_HISTORY C:\Leica Geosystems\CLM\LogFiles
ENABLE_DB_HISTORY should be set to 1 in this file. Please copy the file to a new location, edit it and re-save if the file says it’s read-only.
Installing CLM while a JetStream Enterprise service is running
As of REGISTER 360 2023.0.0 Jetstream Enterprise is no longer supported.
During the installation of CLM, users may encounter the following error message. This is commonly due to a service like JetStream running in the background.

To enable the successful installation of CLM, please follow these steps:
Launch the task manager
Select the Services tab
Look up the process with the PID (Process ID) shown in the Close applications dialog
In this case it is JetStream
Terminate the process so that CLM can be installed
After CLM is installed, click on the Services button in the Task Manager and restart the service
RCP publish dialog progress reporting
When publishing an RCP file, the progress will appear to stall at a certain interval. Though the progress bar does not update, the export is progressing. Users may check the task manager to ensure that the service is still functioning.
Blurred images within ReCap
In some cases, E57 files published from Cyclone REGISTER 360, when imported into ReCap, may display blurred imagery when entering the Setup location sphere. This is a known issue with ReCap's handling of E57 files. RCP files published from Cyclone REGISTER 360 do not show any display issues.
The E57 export using the new Compatibility mode option (see details above in the feature description) may help with this issue.
LGS usage over network
The use of LGS files is only supported when the files are saved locally. Due to variations between network deployments LGS files may be unreliable when published to a network location.
HyperLinks in the Finalize area
Hyperlinks in the Master SiteMap in the Finalize area, once created, will hide behind the inserted image, but will still export to TruView, Cyclone ENTERPRISE and LGS properly.
Deprecated Features
Leica Geosystems strives to provide support for the widest array of operating systems and file formats possible as is reasonable given current technologies and support from third-party partners.
With each release, we review our list of currently supported formats and operating systems in line with industry trends and announced product terminations.
Leica Geosystems may add or terminate support for a file format during any release. Obsolete operating systems will be supported for six months after their announced termination or the next major software release, whichever comes first. Server products will be supported in alignment with Leica’s Client License Manager (CLM) supported servers to guard users against incompatibility.
Cyclone REGISTER 360 2020:
TVG files are no longer published. Users should use the LGS format. If a TVG is required, users can Publish to TruView Local and run the dataset through the free utility Leica Pack&Go.
Cyclone REGISTER 360 2021:
Windows 7, 8 and 8.1 are no longer supported.
Cyclone REGISTER 360 PLUS 2023.0.1
Faro raw scan files from the newest Faro scanners are not supported due to a lack of availability in the Faro SDK.
Cyclone REGISTER 360 2023.0.0:
Publishing to TruView Local and JetStream Enterprise is no longer supported.
All users with valid CCP for either Cyclone REGISTER 360 or Cyclone REGISTER 360 PLUS or Cyclone REGISTER, or with CCP valid as late as 1 January 2023, can run this new version of Cyclone REGISTER 360 PLUS with no new license required.
All users with valid CCP for Cyclone REGISTER 360 (BLK Edition) or Cyclone REGISTER 360 PLUS (BLK Edition) or with CCP valid as late as 1 January 2023 can run this new version of Cyclone REGISTER 360 PLUS (BLK Edition) with no new license required.
Users do not need to migrate to a Cyclone REGISTER 360 PLUS or Cyclone REGISTER 360 PLUS (BLK Edition) license in order to run Cyclone REGISTER 360 PLUS if their CCP or subscription is valid.