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(2022.1.0000) General Settings


Setting global units

Once you open the Settings dialog, the General tab will allow you to change your default units of length as well as set your preferred decimal precision.

Temperature Unit

This setting controls the units used for the temperature readout from the IR images from the BLK360 G1.


Turn off animations for transitions

This option allows the user to turn off all animations in the program. Animations are used to animate the transitions between view changes.


Create SiteMap tab on pre-import

This option allows the user to turn off the viewing of SiteMaps and setup in the center viewport area of the import area. SiteMaps come from Jobs using the RTC360 with VIS links, FIELD 360, or P-Series data with links created in the field. The Jobs will still come into Cyclone REGISTER 360 and SiteMaps will still be created.

BLK: Create WayPoints

This option allows the user to decide to create waypoints when importing BLK data.

BLK: Use Re-Observation

Re-observation for BLK2GO and BLK ARC Mobile scanners.

Re-observation is a new processing algorithm more robust against drifts and misalignment in the point cloud.

In more than 80% of the cases where before there was misalignment or double walls there is now an improvement. This is applicable for BLK2GO and BLK ARC scans.

It is beneficial to be applied whenever there is a re-observation of some scenes, meaning some areas have been scanned more than once within the same walk. This can be achieved by starting and ending the walk in the same location and ensuring good overlap or doing some small or medium loops during the walk.

The option to use this new algorithm can be enabled under Settings → General → Import, before the data import. If the option is enabled, it will be applied for any BLK2GO and BLK ARC scans. This has an impact on the processing time, which will be extended. Depending on the scan, processing time may result up to 20-25% more than the time needed if the option is off. Select this option when data has been acquired following the recommendations mentioned above.

BLK: Use on-device SLAM

Use on-device SLAM supports the SLAM solution created on the BLK2GO, BLK ARC.

BLK2FLY is NOT supported, but there is currently no error dialog to prevent the use of On-Device SLAM.

Connecting directly to the scanner:

If checked, REGISTER 360 will NOT run SLAM, but instead use the current SLAM solution on the scanner. This will save time during import but will not be as accurate a running SLAM in REGISTER 360.

From a B2G file downloaded using the Data Manager:

If checked, REGISTER 360 will not run SLAM, but instead, use the current SLAM solution that exists in the B2G file. This will save time during import but will not be as accurate as running SLAM in REGISTER 360.

Once REGISTER 360 runs SLAM (if the option is not checked), REGISTER 360 will write the new SLAM solution back to the B2G file. The next time the B2G file is imported this SLAM solution will be used if the On-Device SLAM option is checked.

Always back up B2G files BEFORE import into Cyclone REGISTER 360.

Import Performance

Users may select the number of threads that are used during the import process to balance the speed of an import against the stability of the system. There are three options to choose from:

  • Safe Mode- One thread (the safest choice)

  • Balanced- Cyclone REGISTER 360 determines the number of threads to use to balance speed against stability

  • Fast- Uses the most threads (can cause instability during import depending on system resources)

Pano Image resolution setting

This option allows the user set the resolution of the imported panoramic image.

Link to white paper for further information.

Setting an import resolution of 5120 for RTC360 images can cause significant import time increases for a marginal increase in pixel density.

External Camera

This option allows the user, who used the External camera for the P20, to select camera orientation options.

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