CYE Obtain Windows Server 2019 with NVIDIA Driver AMI
Locate the region in the table below that is closest to you and note its AMI ID.
Region | AMI ID |
Virginia | ami-0b66e8e7b0afc8be2 |
Ohio | ami-0147100c2f00ccbe9 |
Oregon | ami-04308b8ea71bf4d67 |
N. California | ami-0dd72aaea6cfc25f1 |
Canada - Central | ami-0be1644c5e0af3d05 |
Frankfurt | ami-0d1e1c5d07d06bcf3 |
Ireland | ami-0bdd2f8c63e3cd8c1 |
London | ami-097dc276efcc881f6 |
Paris | ami-0d541568461085683 |
Stockholm | ami-08315628a321d0f62 |
Singapore | ami-0186e18f594075934 |
Sydney | ami-07b464682a7ef0108 |
Tokyo | ami-0f8a3a1d1446b963d |
Seoul | ami-093179249cbbb7d04 |
Alternatively use the following command to find the latest Microsoft Windows Server 2019 with NVIDIA driver AMI ID for your region.
aws ec2 describe-images --filters "Name=name,Values=*windows-server-2019-vGaming*" --output json --query "sort_by(Images, &CreationDate)[-1].[ImageId]"

In the above example, the AMI ID is “ami-0dd72aaea6cfc25f1”.