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(2022.0.0) UI Overview

The Cyclone ENTERPRISE User Interface (UI) consists of three main components: a product title and menu bar, the Project Selector area, and the Administration area.

Title & Menu Bar

The title and menu bar is persistent at all times while logged into Cyclone ENTERPRISE, but has two states. 

Cyclone ENTERPRISE State

The Cyclone ENTERPRISE state persists whenever a user is in the Project Selector or Administration areas. It consists of the "About" information, the application name (Cyclone ENTERPRISE), the currently logged in user, and the system-level controls which include:

Project Selector

Launches the Project Selector tools to access projects available for the user.


Launches the Admin Tools to control project settings, including, user management, project management, and server settings and customization.


Launches the program’s help documentation. This help will launch into a new tab in the user’s web browser.


Logs out from the active session and returns to the login page.


TruView LIVE state

The TruView LIVE state persists whenever the logged in user is actively working on a Project in TruView LIVE. It has minor differences from the Cyclone ENTERPRISE state, and consisting of the "About" information, the viewer's name (TruView LIVE), the currently logged in user, the TruView LIVE's settings button, and the standard system-level controls. The right-side menu buttons are:


TruView LIVE Settings

Launches the Settings for TruView LIVE.

Project Selector

Launches the Project Selector tools to access projects available for the user.


Launches the Admin Tools to control project settings, including, user management, project management, and server settings and customization.


Launches the program’s help documentation. This help will launch into a new tab in the user’s web browser.


Logs out from the active session and returns to the login page.



Project Selector

The Project Selector allows users to explore, search, and sort Projects and Groups to which they have been assigned access. Additionally, users can access the project importer (for LGS and JSA files) if they have sufficient privileges (see User Role definitions for information about Role permissions). 

The default view upon login is the project thumbnail view, presenting all (accessible) projects in alphabetical order. The various controls are defined in the below table.



For users with sufficient Role privileges, this will navigate to the import page where users can drag-and-drop or browse to LGS and/or JSA files for import into Cyclone ENTERPRISE.


Toggle Groups

Toggles between pdisplaying Projects as individually listed, or organized into their parent Group. Works for both thumbnail grid view and list view.

Sort Options

Opens a list to choose sort options. Project sort options are: by name ascending, by name descending, by date ascending, and by date descending. Group sort options are: by name ascending, by name descending. Sorting works for both thumbnail grid view and list view. Note: If the Project display is set to Groups, the sorting is two-tiered: first, the Groups will be sorted by the chosen method (e.g., by name ascending), and second, within the Groups the Projects will be sorted with the same method.


Toggle List/Grid View

Switches between thumbnail and list views.

Search Projects

Search tool for finding projects based on project names. The search results are dynamically populated while the user types.



Administration Area

The Administration Area allows users to manage users, Projects (and Groups), and the server settings. Please see Chapters for details on these sections.

User Management

Provides tools for adding, editing, removing, and managing users and their access control.

Project Management

Provides tools for managing, adding, editing, removing, grouping, and assigning user access for Projects.


Provides tools for server settings, product customization, and license status and information.


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