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Floor Flatness/ Floor Levelness Tutorial

This guide provides step-by-step instructions for executing a Floor Flatness/ Floor Levelness (FF/FL) Analysis in Cyclone 3DR. All stages of the workflow are detailed with illustrated steps and a video tutorial.

From version 2024.1 onward, Cyclone 3DR includes a Floor Flatness/Floor Levelness routine which adheres to ASTM 1155 standards. This highly demanded feature for the construction market, ensures that users can easily create their full suite of deliverables in Cyclone 3DR rather that requiring additional tools or products to produce discrete analysis.

A wizard-guided workflow supports users through their analysis.

The basic workflow is as follows. It is detailed with full instructions in the steps that follow. Please refer to the sections below or use the Next Page button in the bottom right of each page.

  1. Select a point cloud.

  2. Execute FF/FL Analysis from the Analysis menu.

  3. Execute the 5 steps of the guided process.

  4. Open the report editor to export a PDF document.

This feature is available to users with the AEC or PRO licenses.

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