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Release Notes | CloudWorx Plugins



What’s New

This is a major release of the CloudWorx for Autodesk® products, such as AutoCAD®, Revit®, and Navisworks® and CloudWorx for BricsCAD. It includes compatibility updates to support the 2025 version of the host applications, a connection with Reality Cloud Studio, online Help documentation, and various bug fixes.

Autodesk 2025 Version Compatibility

CloudWorx for AutoCAD, CloudWorx for Revit, and CloudWorx for Navisworks have been updated to support the 2025 version of the host application.

Connecting to Reality Cloud Studio

Reality Cloud Studio is an easy-to-use reality capture cloud software solution to seamlessly connect people, projects, and reality capture data. It enables users to unleash the potential of reality capture data and foster collaboration by sharing, visualizing, and using digital reality data directly in the cloud.

Reality Cloud Studio helps users visualize their work in vivid detail and interact with data by creating virtual tours, taking measurements, and creating annotations. It provides cloud storage of reality capture data that can be accessed from anywhere.

Using CloudWorx version 2024.1 or later, users can now stream data directly from Reality Cloud Studio into CloudWorx to utilize the full CloudWorx toolset from clipping and orientation tools through fitters. Data streaming from Reality Cloud Studio is free of charge to encourage collaboration with stakeholders from the field to the cloud to the office and back again seamlessly.

To connect to Reality Cloud Studio from CloudWorx, simply select Reality Cloud Studio from the Connect To menu options in the Project panel and follow the steps described in the Open Reality Cloud Studio (RCS) Project File tutorial, available within the CloudWorx Suite | Tutorials.


To learn more about Reality Cloud Studio, please visit Reality Cloud Studio – Reality Capture Software ( or the product’s documentation Reality Cloud Studio (

Graphics card compatibility in BricsCAD

Some laptop computers with both integrated and dedicated graphics cards may experience issues when connecting to RCS. Users can set BricsCAD program preferences to integrated graphics to resolve the issue.

Support for the Reality Cloud Studio Project in TruSpace

After establishing a Reality Cloud Studio (RCS) connection, users can import an RCS project into the workspace of the host application and then open it in TruSpace to explore various aspects of the point cloud. This includes the ability to view imagery, use clipping boxes, and access Setups when they are available from the RCS asset.

In this release, TruSpace telemetry has been enhanced to match TruView, providing additional information about point source and host application. However, please note that other assets and metadata information, such as GeoTags and Project info, are not yet supported.

Importing and Converting E57, LAS, and PTX Files to LGSx

With this release, CloudWorx supports a direct import of point clouds in industry-standard E57, LAS, and PTX formats. During the import process, the original point cloud and its associated metadata are seamlessly converted into an LGSx project file, resulting in improved performance and reduced file size.

To take advantage of the new CloudWorx feature, navigate to Project > Connect To and click Import Point Cloud.


After the desired point cloud dataset is browsed, CloudWorx will automatically check for an existing LGSx version of the selected file. If found, it will open directly; if not, the software will start the conversion process. A new file with the same name as the original file and an .lgsx extension will be created and stored in the same folder. The file will be accessible once the conversion is completed, maintaining data integrity and usability.

To see the detailed workflow of importing the E57, LAS, and PTX project files, refer to the Import Point Cloud (E57/LAS/PTX) tutorial available within the CloudWorx Suite | Tutorials.

CloudWorx Help Documentation

The CloudWorx Help documentation is now available online as part of the Leica Reality Capture Software Documentation site. With this update, users can easily search for the information they need from a single source to get the most out of CloudWorx plugins.


To enhance user experience, the supported CAD systems are prominently listed at the top of each tool’s page. It will help users quickly identify which features are relevant to their chosen CAD system.


To access the CloudWorx Help documentation, please refer to CloudWorx Suite | Help.

JetStream Enterprise Deprecation

Starting from this release, JetStream Enterprise access is discontinued in CloudWorx. Consequently, JetStream Enterprise projects are no longer accessible from CloudWorx.

Bug Fixes

All CloudWorx

  • Fixed an issue in TruSpace that caused the Create Limit Box by Time tool to function incorrectly.

CloudWorx for AutoCAD

  • Fixed an issue where units in the clipping manager changed from inches to master units after closing and reopening a saved CloudWorx project.

  • Fixed an issue with the incorrect UCS axes alignment after orienting a point cloud by Floor+Wall. The UCS is now set properly with the X-axis aligned along the hinge line, the Z-axis oriented upright, and the Y-axis positioned on the floor perpendicular to the wall.

  • Fixed an issue where TruSpace failed to open the Cyclone REGISTER 360 PLUS (BLK Edition) project, displaying an error message.  Now, TruSpace successfully loads data from Cyclone REGISTER 360 PLUS (BLK Edition) without any errors.

CloudWorx for Navisworks

  • Fixed an issue that caused Navisworks to close unexpectedly while navigating to the in-app help content. As a result, users can search for the required help topics in the online CloudWorx Help documentation without any interruptions.

CloudWorx for BricsCAD

  • Fixed an issue with the incorrect UCS axes alignment after orienting a point cloud by Floor+Wall. The UCS is now set properly with the X-axis aligned along the hinge line, the Z-axis oriented upright, and the Y-axis positioned on the floor perpendicular to the wall.

  • Fixed an issue where the Adjust tool was unable to properly adjust the length of the I-section steel object to the desired location. Now, the Adjust tool works as intended, allowing accurate length adjustments and proper UCS alignment.

  • Fixed an issue where TruSpace failed to open the Cyclone REGISTER 360 PLUS (BLK Edition) project, displaying an error message.  Now, TruSpace successfully loads data from Cyclone REGISTER 360 PLUS (BLK Edition) without any errors.

Leica CloudWorx Compatibility

The currently supported host application versions per product are as follows:

CloudWorx for AutoCAD 2024.1

AutoCAD, Civil 3D, and Map3D 2022- 2025

CloudWorx for Revit 2024.1

Revit Architecture, MEP and Structure 2022-2025

CloudWorx for Navisworks 2024.1

Navisworks Simulate and Manage 2022 - 2025

CloudWorx for BricsCAD 2024.1

BricsCAD V21 - V24

CloudWorx Ultimate

A CloudWorx Ultimate license will activate the following products and versions:

  • CloudWorx 6.3.1 - present for AutoCAD

  • CloudWorx 2.1.5 - present for Revit

  • CloudWorx 1.0.6 - present for Navisworks

  • CloudWorx 2022.0.0 - present for BricsCAD

  • CloudWorx 5.1.3- 2020.0.0 for MicroStation

  • CloudWorx 2020.0.1 - present for Bentley

  • CloudWorx 2.1.2 - 2023.0 for PDMS

  • CloudWorx 2023.0.0 - for SOLIDWORKS

Compatibility with Cyclone ENTERPRISE

CloudWorx 2024.1 is compatible with Cyclone ENTERPRISE 2021.0.0 and higher.

Compatibility with Reality Cloud Studio

CloudWorx 2024.1 and later is compatible with Reality Cloud Studio.

Leica CloudWorx Upgrades

Upgrading Leica CloudWorx Installation

You must have Administrator-level privileges on your workstation to correctly install Leica CloudWorx software.

If using IMP data, first run the current Cyclone installer if you do not have a version of Cyclone installed. Otherwise/Next run the latest CloudWorx installer and follow the directions to proceed with the installation. Please heed the warning message about compatibility of earlier version databases. We strongly recommend that users not use the Repair option when upgrade. Rather, users should select Remove when it appears and then run the setup again to install the new version.

Deprecated Features

Leica Geosystems strives to provide support for the widest array of operating systems and file formats possible given current technologies and support from third-party partners.

With each release, we review our list of currently supported formats and operating systems in line with industry trends and announced product terminations.

Leica Geosystems may add or terminate support for a file format during any release. Obsolete operating systems will be supported for six months after their announced termination or the next major software release, whichever comes first. Server products will be supported in alignment with Leica’s Client License Manager (CLM) supported servers to guard users against incompatibility.

Please reference the Leica Geosystems Deprecated Features policy for a complete listing of discontinued features, formats and operating systems.

CloudWorx 2022.0.2 (All)

  • CLM versions prior to 2.5 are no longer supported.

CloudWorx 2023.0 for PDMS

  • CloudWorx for PDMS is phased out after version 2023.0.

CloudWorx 2023.1 for Bentley

  • 2023.1.0 no longer supports 32-bit MicroStation V8i. The last version to support V8i is 2023.0.1.

CloudWorx 2024.1 (All)

  • CloudWorx 2024.1 and later does not connect to JetStream Enterprise.

Known Issues

2024.1 Known Issues

French, Portuguese and Japanese Language Support

Installing CloudWorx with the French, Portuguese and Japanese Language can cause crashes. As a workaround, users should install the English version of the product until a patch can be made.

Graphics card compatibility in BricsCAD

Some laptop computers with both integrated and dedicated graphics cards may experience issues when connecting to RCS. Users can set BricsCAD program preferences to integrated graphics to resolve the issue.

CloudWorx toolbar is missing after installation

Some host applications do not show the Ribbon toolbar by default. As such, a user may need to enable it to properly see all the CloudWorx tools. To do so, right-click on the toolbar, and select Ribbon to turn it on.

Unusual empty margin when viewing in perspective

Users will experience an unusual empty border around their point cloud view when view is launched from TruSpace. Due to the nature of perspective rendering, the issue is exaggerated when the user zooms as well as when the viewing window is wider (e.g., 16:9 ratio).

Modified usage for Asian languages

Some actions and dialogs do not execute properly when operating CloudWorx in an Asian language.

Temporary ModelSpace

When working with IMP data, users may see a temporary ModelSpace created within Cyclone to support rendering in CloudWorx. All ModelSpace views are temporary and will not be permanently added to a project. It is not a requirement that Cyclone be running while using CloudWorx.

Equivalent user permissions requirement

When working with IMP data, the host application must be run with the same level of user privileges as Cyclone was originally configured with. Meaning if Cyclone is configured to Run As Administrator, then the host application should be Run As Administrator to connect to Cyclone and open an IMP.

Importing MultiStation Data

There may be a delay when importing MultiStation data into CloudWorx. Users may see an error message which states that the server is not available. However, this message will disappear, and data will be imported as expected.

LGS usage over network

The use of LGS files is only officially supported when the files are saved locally. Due to variations between network deployments, LGS files may be unreliable when published to or hosted in a network location.

The Adjust tool fails to set I-section steel length to the desired location in CloudWorx for BricsCAD

When adjusting the I-beam (Wide Flange) steel object, the entire section moves in the direction of the picked endpoint, causing the beam to be positioned incorrectly. This issue is specific to the I-beam (Wide Flange) section type and does not occur with other section types.


All users with currently valid CCP (Customer Care Package), or with CCP valid as late as 1 July 2024, can run this new version with no new license required.

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