SmartPick Viewport
Tools | SmartPick Viewport
Command Line
Using the Tool
To use the SmartPick Viewport, follow the steps below:
Ensure Node OSNAP (OSNAP) and Point Snap (CWSNAP) are enabled.
Click the SmartPick Viewport button in the Tools panel or type a command line prompt specific to the preferred CAD system and press ENTER.
The SmartPick View dialog will open.
Note: The SmartPick View will remain empty until the corresponding CAD drawing command is initiated.
Initiate the 3D Polyline CAD command and ensure a 3D visual style is selected. The point cloud will appear in the SmartPick View dialog.
Select the desired SmartPick:
Closest Point
: This is the closest cloud point and an actual point on the point cloud.
Highest Point
: This is the highest cloud point and an actual point on the point cloud.
Lowest Point
: This is the lowest cloud point and an actual point on the point cloud.
Ground Point
: This is a calculated or interpolated cloud point. It is not necessarily an actual cloud point.
Configure Smart Picking Parameters
: It will allow to change the search radius for the Ground SmartPick.
Note: The SmartPick View allows for easy rotation and zooming of the point cloud around the selected pick by hovering over the buttons located at the corners.